Does a Group Health Captive Save You Up To 15%?

Joel Geddes Jr.Does a Group Health Captive Save You Up to 15%?

From Joel Geddes, Jr.

At ERMIS, we operate a Captive consulting practice with extensive experience regarding this question.


Actually, there are several other benefits in addition to at least a typical 15% long term cost savings . You can also become partially self insured, regulated by ERISA — not Obamacare! — design your own benefits and coverages and engender a healthier workforce with corresponding lower long-term health costs, worker’s compensation costs and increased productivity.


However, without some specific background on your company such as number of employees, historical claims experience etc., it’s difficult to simply give you a yes/no answer if a Captive approach would be a fit for you...

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Considering a Captive to Leave the Commercial Insurance Rat Race

Joel Geddes IIIConsidering a Captive to Leave the Commercial Insurance Rat Race

By Joel Geddes III

A captive will provide a long-term financial approach to someone willing to consider taking risk. In the short-term, use of a captive may be a more expensive option than purchasing coverage through a commercial insurer. In fact when a commercial insurer knows they are quoting against a captive the cost of its commercial insurance program can miraculously decrease. Captives on the other hand are less likely to engage in a price competition while offering long-term customized business solutions and exclusive risk financing.

Price competition is one of the factors that drive insurance market cycles...

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